A student’s typical week will depend on the number of hours chosen and the duration of the course. Below is an example of a typical week on a 1-week course with 20 hours of tuition.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Breakfast with teacher &
Breakfast with teacher &
Breakfast with teacher &
Breakfast with teacher & conversation Breakfast with teacher & conversation Breakfast with teacher/conversation
Morning Session Lessons 4 hours Lessons 4 hours Lessons 4 hours Lessons 4 hours Lessons 4 hours Student Departure
Lunch Lunch with teacher & conversation Lunch with teacher & conversation Lunch with teacher & conversation Lunch with teacher & conversation Lunch with teacher & conversation
Afternoon Session Student Arrival and meeting your teacher and his family Excursion with teacher to local area and places of interest in and around the city/town Free time for student to go sightseeing and/or relax and study at home Free time for student to go sightseeing and/or relax and study at home Free time for student to go sightseeing and/or relax and study at home Excursion with teacher to local area and places of interest in and around the city/town
Evening Dinner with teacher and family Dinner with teacher and family Dinner with teacher and family Dinner with teacher and family Dinner with teacher and family Dinner with teacher and family